Thursday, July 5, 2012

A New Energy Emerges in Muir Omni Graphics

There’s a new energy within the walls of MUIR and it is positively brimming from the newly formed Sustainability Team. Six MUIR employees were called to action for a Sustainability initiative in hopes of attaining the 2012 SGIA Sustainability Recognition Award to be awarded in early 2013.
These new team members were carefully handpicked and then contacted by top management to discuss their willingness to take on this added responsibility. They would be asked to step away from their workstations to meet with the EHS Director (that’s me) on a weekly basis to set goals, make and execute action plans and communicate sustainability initiatives to their coworkers throughout the company. This would be a challenge as business is continually growing and every man (or woman) is needed to meet production demands. In the end, our team demographics would include a client relations rep, an inventory handler, a raw material handler, a screen printer, a die cutter and an accounting clerk. This team fairly represents the entire company in all three buildings. 
Where would we go? How would we get there?